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This documentation and any related computer software help programs (hereinafter referred to as They follow the same order as IBM’s TSO/E REXX Reference.Use to run a subset of TSO/E commands like EXECIO and MAKEBUF. • The default environment in a non-TSO/E address space. • TSO/E REXX Reference (SA22-7790).
For more information on the commands that do not work in an z/OS environment, see z/OS TSO/E REXX Reference manual. Typically, the types of execs that can
▫A varied array of host command environments available in z/OS. • TSO. ▫Used to run TSO/E commands like ALLOCATE and TRANSMIT. ▫Only available to REXX
Rexx Reference Manual (TSO). Rexx is the Restructured Extended Executor Language. New with TSO/E version 2, Rexx. is a high-level procedural language that
This is a list of published (i.e., generally available) books, manuals, and papers from scientific journals that are closely associated with the Rexx language
For more information about the REXX language and how it is used, see the IBM OS/390 TSO/E REXX Reference and IBM OS/390 TSO/E REXX User’s Guide. - AutorEntradas