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.Download / Read Online Tds/ec meter com-80 manual >>
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Please read this manual thoroughly before operating your meter. < 80 seconds. TDS mg/l ppt ppm. OF. The meter will display all LCD segments.
Measures electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS). Exellent for nutrient testing. • Four scales: EC: µS, mS; TDS: ppm, ppt.
Measures electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS). · Four scales: EC: µS, mS; TDS: ppm, 0.5 (NaCl) & 0.7 (442™) · Automatic Temperature
For more information vt wwrctdameter com Taking EC or TDS Measurements Remove the ep, (De not use the cap fr testing Clekthe POWER button. The racing will abaysWhen the meter is calibrated, ‘End’ will flash and the measurement will reappear. TEMPERATURE CALIBRATION. If you need to calibrate the COM-80’s thermometer,
Brand New! The COM-80 is a reliable, economically priced, EC/TDS meter that is perfect for testing applications like hydroponics, gardening, pools, spas, - AutorEntradas