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Retrouvez Emotional Intelligence Training et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr ready-to-use resources (PDF) that accompany this book include
This free online Develop Your Emotional Intelligence course will teach you how to compréhensible and improve your émotionnelle intelligence (EI).Emotional intelligence – training people to be affective so they can be effective ». Industrial and Commercial Training 32 (2): 61‑65.
Working under pressure: emotional intelligence in the workplace. Trainer: Gwyneth Letherbarrow. Locality: Upper Austria. Total cost of course: €700 incl.
Le module Intelligence émotionnelle présente des occasions de partager training-games.com/pdf/Connecting-Emotional-Intell-To-Success_pdf.pdf.
Emotional Competence Training Program – American Express ». eiconsortium.org/pdf/emotional_competence_training.pdf. - AutorEntradas