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Certificated and classified employees providing special education designated instruction. Page 5. California School Accounting Manual. Procedure 910 Program
California School Accounting Manual. Page 905-1. Procedure 905 Documenting Salaries and Wages. Procedure Revised January 2019. Documentation of salaries and
to the California School Accounting Manual (CSAM) Procedure 650 for the definition of what is considered maintenance. V. COUNTY OFFICE OF EDUCATION
This manual has been developed to help charter schools follow legal The California School Accounting Manual (CSAM) provides a list of account codesCalifornia School Accounting Manual. Procedure 755 Special Education. Procedure Revised March 2016. Page 755-5 general fund using Object 8311 or Object 8319
CSAM Services Application Module · Plugs into market leading T-BERD/MTS test instruments to create the smallest, portable 100G test solutions for both out in the
California School Accounting Manual. CSAM 2019.pdf, 3.65 MB; (Last Modified on January 12, 2021). Contact a Counselor · student meals · distance learning
School Accounting Manual (CSAM). Financial reports and budgets are required on forms prescribed by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction. - AutorEntradas