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BPUT/ 1717. Dated May 16, 2012. NOTICE. This University follows seven point grading system [Cumulative Grade. Point Average (CGPA)] on base of 10 and the
An Example of SGPA & CGPA Calculations of a student is given below: Semester –I. Course No. Course. Credits. Grade. Awarded. Earned. Credits.BPUT CGPA Calculator. 3.672 dáma · 1 tosa um hetta. bputcgpacalculator.in This site calculates the SGPA , CGPA and your Percentage
CGPA is just the average of all the SGPAs. We can also convert CGPA to Percentage as if CGPA is 8.23. According to BPUT, the percentage would be – (CGPA-0.5) * - AutorEntradas